Tuner App & Frequency Finder

Manual Tuning

This little App allows you to set the Custom Beam Frequency and Beamtype to find the corect Settings fast. You can update the EU and US Beam Settings of your DC3 with the ones that are delivered by this Software as well by using the "Save to DC" Button.


Beam type

Other Beams




Enter how many 10khz steps you want to search over and under the center Frequency of your Custom Beam to find a initial Lock.
If a initial Lock is found the Frequency Compensation of the SX1280 is used to calculate the right Frequency. Click the Start Autotune Button to let the Software search for a Freuqency, it will stop if it got a Lock on the Satellite.


Autotune Status

State: Standby

Frequency: 12.0000 Ghz

Lock: 0 - 0%

Tuner StatusStatus packets Read: 0

Waiting for Status...

Current Settings

Below are the Beam Settings that the DC3 has currently saved, use the Button to refresh and query the infos again.

Used Settings


US Beam


EU Beam


